Volume 5, Issue 14 (Autumn 2022)                   J Altern Vet Med 2022, 5(14): 817-825 | Back to browse issues page

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Aarabi N, Mahjoor A A, Rowshan Ghasrodashti A. Effect of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin on Late Embryonic Death in Holstein Dairy Cows. J Altern Vet Med 2022; 5 (14) :817-825
URL: http://joavm.kazerun.iau.ir/article-1-101-en.html
1- Department of clinical Science, School of Veterinary Medicine, Kazerun Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kazerun, Iran , Navid.Arabi@iau.ac.ir
2- Department of Pathobiology School of Veterinary Medicine, Kazerun Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kazerun, Iran
3- Department of clinical Science, School of Veterinary Medicine, Kazerun Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kazerun, Iran
Abstract:   (165 Views)
Background and aim: The objective of this study was to determine whether administration of 1500 IU of hCG on Day 29±1 after artificial insemination (AI) would reduce pregnancy loss by inducing accessory corpora lutea and increasing serum progesterone concentrations in dairy cattle.
Materials and Methods: Three hundred and seventy lactating Holstein dairy cows from a farm with 1200 lactating cows were randomly assigned to a treatment and a control group. The animals of the treatment group (n=185) received hCG 1500 IU (IM), while in the control group they received the control group (n=185) received no treatment. Ovarian structures, serum progesterone levels and pregnancy status were determined on days 29±1 and 42, respectively.
Results: The Progesterone concentration on day 42 was higher (P=0.005) for cows in the hCG group (14.9±0.7 mg/ml) compared to the control group (12.1±0.7ng/ml). On day 42, the number of accessory CLs  for cows in the hCG group (1.6±0.04) were higher (p˂0.0001) than cows in the control group (1.2±0.04). A Positive correlation was detected between the circulating progesterone and CL volume in the hCG group (r=0.47, p=0.001). Pregnancy losses did not differ between days 29±1 and 42 both in the control (7.6%) and in the hCG group (5.9%).
Conclusion: It was concluded that the administration of hCG (1500 IU) on day 29±1 of pregnancy in lactating dairy cows increased the number of corpora lutea and serum progesterone concentration but did not have any effect on pregnancy loss rate or pregnancy losses.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Large animal internal medicine
Received: 2022/10/15 | Accepted: 2022/11/5 | Published: 2022/12/1

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