Background and aim: Testicular ultrasonography is a standard method for examination in animals. Considering that ultrasound is a valuable and non-invasive method to evaluate the morphology and health of the reproductive system in veterinary medicine, therefore, in this study, the relationship between the ultrasound characteristics of the testis and epididymis with the quality of semen in Saanen male goats was investigated. Also, the minimum age that Saanen male goats can produce qualified sperm for fertility was evaluated.
Materials and Methods: Twenty-four Saanen male goats aged 6 to 18 months were studied. Measurement of the scrotum circumference and ultrasound of the testicle and epididymis were performed and the size of the scrotum circumference, length, width and volume of the tail of the epididymis were obtained. Then, semen was obtained by electrical stimulation method and sperm parameters were measured.
Results: Mean body weight, scrotal circumference, length, width and volume of epididymis were 32.99±4.01 kg, 220.96±0.24 mm, 1.77±0.14 mm, 1.91±0.14 mm and 5.43±0.43 mL respectively. Also, the results of the quality of semen, state that the average of semen volume, number of sperm, percentage of live, motile and normal sperm were 1.66±0.17 ml, 22.59×106±1522, 71.40±2.34%, 57.51±2.04% and 67.65±3.13%, respectively.
Conclusion: All ultrasonographic parameters increased with increasing age, and the standard values were determined at 6, 12, and 18 months of age. According to the results of semen parameters, it can be concluded that Saanen goats at the age of 18 months have acceptable parameters for fertility. Therefore, it is recommended to use Saanen goat sperm from at least 18 months of age to obtain better results in the fertility of this breed.
Type of Study:
Research |
Radiology Received: 2022/05/31 | Accepted: 2022/08/3 | Published: 2022/08/23