Behmanesh R, Bagheri Barivanloo A H, Bengar F. Radiographic Investigation of the Incidence of Osteoarthritis in Dogs Referred to Veterinary Hospitals and Clinics in East Tehran, Iran. J Altern Vet Med 2023; 6 (17) :994-1003
1- Assistant Professor of Radiology, Faculty of Veterinary, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran ,
2- Graduate, Faculty of Veterinary, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran
Abstract: (503 Views)
Background and aim: Osteoarthritis is a non-infectious and non-inflammatory disease that causes progressive degenerative changes in joints and gradually leads to joint dysfunction. The purpose of this research is to investigate the radiographic complications of osteoarthritis in different joints and to evaluate the influencing factors such as age, sex, race and location of the involved joint in dogs referred to East Tehran veterinary hospitals and clinics.
Materials and Methods: In carrying out this research, 100 adult dogs of both male and female sexes, which had disorders in clinical examinations and history taking, were used. After examining each animal and identifying the involvement in the target organ, some dogs were injected with a sedative and some were tied without injection, and radiographs was taken. After taking a radiograph of the involved organ and recording all the details the opinion of each animal has been examined. Finally, all the details and data were recorded and examined and analyzed statistically.
Results: According to the statistical analysis conducted in these dogs, the probability of contracting this disease increases with age, and the average age of the affected dogs was 5.5 years. Also, this disease or complication is much more common in male and large dogs than in dogs. It appears female and small in size. It is also necessary to mention that according to the analyzes carried out in this research, the posterior organs are more susceptible to this complication.
Conclusion: In this research, it was concluded that the possibility of osteoarthritis in large dogs is much higher than in small dogs, and posterior limbs are much more involved in osteoarthrosis than anterior limbs. Also, the results showed that with increasing age, the probability of getting this condition increases in dogs.
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Radiology Received: 2023/04/26 | Accepted: 2023/07/29 | Published: 2023/09/1