Volume 3, Issue 6 (Autumn 2020)                   J Altern Vet Med 2020, 3(6): 319-332 | Back to browse issues page

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Arjmand P, Noshad A, Masoodi R. An Integrated Model to Facilitate and Increase Productivity in the Production of Heavy Livestock. J Altern Vet Med 2020; 3 (6) :319-332
URL: http://joavm.kazerun.iau.ir/article-1-30-en.html
1- Department of Information Technology , Faculty of Engineering, Salman Farsi University of Kazerun , Kazerun, Iran , arjomand@kazerunsfu.ac.ir
2- Student of Computer Engineering, Salman Farsi University of Kazerun, Kazerun, Iran
Abstract:   (338 Views)
With less or no knowledge regarding animal health, nutrition, production process, and reproduction procedures, and without a scientific plan and program achieving a desired economic profit is absolutely impossible. There are many parameters involved in recent animal husbandry investigations, which determine the conditions and present vital information about the health of animal. Collecting this information enables the rancher to do the right thing when needed. Collecting and analyzing data can be a challenging task. Therefore, developing a monitoring system able to collect and analyze data automatically can be very useful. This article investigates the development of a livestock farming system for horses using nutritional parameters, body temperature, activity level and horse chewing. Collecting and evaluating data using livestock farming system may help the breeders to determine its effects on horse husbandry.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Large animal internal medicine
Received: 2020/07/10 | Accepted: 2020/10/20 | Published: 2020/11/21

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