Volume 4, Issue 10 (Autumn 2021)                   J Altern Vet Med 2021, 4(10): 594-600 | Back to browse issues page

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sadi F. Measurement of Cardiac Parameters by Echocardiography in Normal Healthy Najdi Goat. J Altern Vet Med 2021; 4 (10) :594-600
URL: http://joavm.kazerun.iau.ir/article-1-79-en.html
Department of Clinical Sciences, Mahabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad, Iran , foadsadi@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (134 Views)
Background and purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide an accurate and reliable report of the normal dimensions and time indices of the heart in healthy adult Najdi goats.
Material and Methods: Fifteen healthy adult Najdi goats were selected. Then, complete PW echocardiography examinations of the animals were performed in a standing position without the use of sedation. In the following, the blood flow in mitral valve, tricuspid valve, aorta and pulmonary vessels were measured.
Findings: The results of PW Doppler echocardiography in healthy goats showed that the blood flow in the aorta and pulmonary vessels in the right sternal view and the blood flow in the mitral valve and the tricuspid valve in the left sternal view are evaluated and checked in the best way. The obtained values were reported as a reference for healthy adult Najdi goats.
Conclusion: PW Doppler echocardiography allows the measurement of intracardiac blood flow indices in goats. The obtained reference values could be effective in the interpretation of the functional indices of the heart in diseased goats that show the symptoms of heart disease clinically and also be effective in heart research in human cases.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Radiology
Received: 2022/07/6 | Accepted: 2022/07/25 | Published: 2021/11/22

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